
About Me

I'm currently a 5th year doctoral candidate at the University of Minnesota working under Dr. Graham Candler. My research focuses on hypersonic boundary layer stability, where I'm investigating prediction methods for flight vehicles using computational fluid dynamics. I'm using low dissipation DNS to determine the effect of the freestream disturbance environment on transition, using small amplitude disturbance environments generated by colleagues at UC Boulder. I finished my Masters in 2022, and plan to finish my PhD in early 2023.
In 2018 I graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of St. Thomas. During the 2014-2017 seasons, I played football under head coach Glenn Caruso, where we had 4 playoff runs and appeared in the 2015 D3 National Championship. My undergraduate career focused on learning coding, CAD modeling, fluid mechanics, and CFD. I performed research while there, using Multi-Physics CFD packages to study acoustic energy capturing devices.
Outside of research and coursework, I spend my free time reading, working on coding projects like this website, and spending time with my pets, friends, and family.


If you'd like to contact me with comments or questions, please do so below

(actually this isn't set up to work yet)